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At the High Altar

  • Retrieve the Individual Glasses and tray from the cabinet immediately below and to the left of the sink. In the same cabinet, locate and retrieve a bottle of sacramental wine and a container of grape juice.
  • Fill approximately ten to fifteen individual gasses with wine. Fill an equal number of glasses with grape juice. Set the prepared glasses on the High Altar. Place on the High Altar in the center of an unfolded Corporal the Pyx filled with consecrated hosts. Also place on the High Altar a Cruet filled with water.

At the Baptismal Font

  • Make certain that the Baptismal Font has some water in the Silver Basin.
  • Place a little oil from the Oil Stock marked OI in the small Oil Container. Place the container and a Purificator at the Font.

Prepare the Free-Standing Altar

  •  Gather the linens that you will need:

a) A Corporal – a large square of linen,b) Two Purificators – folded napkins of linen,

c) A Pall – a square of hard linen,

d) A Burse and Veil .

  • Gather the silver Eucharistic Vessels you will need:

a) The Chalice,

b) The Spoon.

  • Place the linens and vessels on the Altar:

a) Place a Folded Purificator inside the Burse,b) Place a Corporal in the center of the Altar,

c) Place the Chalice in the center of the Corporal,

d) Place a Purificator (unfolded as a strip of linen) over the chalice,

e) Place the Pall on the Chalice,

f) Veil the chalice, as illustrated, and place the Burse on top.

  • Place the silver Spoon on the right side of the veiled Chalice.

Prepare the Gifts

  • Fill the clear glass Cruet (or on festival Sundays, the silver Flagon) full of wine, and put in the stopper. If there is to be an especially large Communion you may wish to fill the second Cruet with an additional amount of wine.
  • Check the approximate number of consecrated hosts in the Pyx. Fill the Paten with enough hosts so that the total number of hosts between the two containers equals approximately one hundred hosts.
  • Place a Celebrant’s Host (the large host) on the top, and cover the Paten with a Purificator.
  • Place the Cruet(s) (or Flagon) and Paten on the Table at the entrance to the Nave.

Other Duties

  • Ask two persons to bring up the Gifts of bread and wine at the Offertory Procession. Make certain that they represent the congregation by gender, age, etc.
  • Fill the Lavabo Bowl (the large silver bowl) with warm water and place it on the side table ont he opposite side of the chancel, along with a towel.


Dispose of the Elements

  • Place the consecrated hosts into the Pyx, and place the Pyx in the upper cabinet. Cover the Pyx with the sign marked, “Consecrated Hosts”.
  • Pour the consecrated wine from the Individual Glasses into the Piscina (the small round sink). Pour the consecrated grape juice from the Individual Glasses into the Piscina, as well. Pour the consecrated wine from the Chalice and/or cruet(s) (Flagon) into the Piscina.
  • Wash the Individual Glasses in hot, soapy water; rinse well in scalding water; dry and replace in the tray. Store the tray in its proper cabinet.
  • Wash the Chalice, Paten, (Flagon), and Cruet(s). Dry these vessels. In the case of the silver, replace them in their protective bags, and store in the cabinet. Store the Cruet(s) (Flagon) in the cabinet, as well.
  • Replace any unsoiled linens in the linen drawer.
  • Soiled linens should be placed in the linen basket for washing.
  • Store the spoon.
  • Clean the Lavabo Bowl and store.
  • Make certain that all vestments have been returned to their drawer or closet.
  • Make certain that all cabinets, including vestment cabinets, are closed and locked.
  • See to the general cleanliness and order of the Sacristy.



When You Arrive:

  • You are responsible for the day that you have agreed to serve. If you find that you are unable to serve, then you will need to first contact the parish administrator. If at all possible, please arrange for someone else to take your place, and give that name to the parish administrator as well.
  • When you get to the church, report to the sacristy and let the other ministers of the service know that you are there. Check with the crucifer about the particulars of the service. Then remove the torches from their stands by the lectern and place them in the narthex.
  • At fifteen minutes prior to the service, vest in an alb and cincture. There may be a meeting of all the ministers in the conference room before the service begins. If it is a festival service, you may be asked to be ready at thirty minutes prior to the service.


Entrance Hymn
You will accompany the crucifer, standing immediately on either side, as the procession enters the church. Once you have arrived at the chancel (do not bow to the altar while carrying your torch) stand on either side of the crucifer and turn to face the other members of the procession until they have taken their place at their seats. Place the torches at their stands, and take your seat.

Apostolic Greeting Stand at your seat.

Kyrie Intercession Stand at your seat.

Hymn of Praise Stand at your seat.

Prayer of the Day Stand at your seat.


First Lesson Sit.

Psalm Sit.

Second Lesson Sit

Verse Immediately at the conclusion of the second lesson, retrieve your torch from its stand by the lectern and go stand on either side of the crucifer, facing the congregation. When the crucifer begins the gospel procession, accompany the crucifer immediately, one on either side. The preacher will follow you. Accompany the crucifer to the midst of the congregation, and turn to face the book. Remain there for the reading of the Holy Gospel.

Holy Gospel Following the reading of the gospel, allow the crucifer to place the cross in the midst of the people, and place your self on either side of the preacher with the book. Follow the crucifer back to the chancel. Place the torches in their stands at the lectern, and return to your seat.

Sermon You may want to sit in the first pew during the sermon, since the Pulpit will be to your back.

Hymn of the Day Stand at your seat.

Creed Stand at your seat.

Intercessions Stand at your seat.

The Peace After the Presiding Minister announces the Peace, turn to greet others with a sign of peace.


Offertory Hymn Stand at your seat.

Offertory Prayer Stand at your seat.

The Great Thanksgiving Stand at your seat.

Prayer of Jesus Stand at your seat.

The Agnus Dei During the singing of the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God), proceed to the Altar, and commune with the other ministers of the service. Once you have been communed, return to your seat.

The Communion Sit.

The Post Communion Canticle Stand at your seat.

The Prayer Stand at your seat.

The Benediction Stand at your seat.

The Recession After the Benediction, all the ministers at the Altar will return to their seats for the Recessional Hymn. When the Crucifer gets up to retrieve the processional cross, leave your seats, reverence the Altar, retrieve your torches, and stand on either side of the Crucifer. When the Crucifer begins the recession, accompany him on either side.

The Dismissal Stand on either side of the Crucifer, facing the Altar, at the doors of the church.

After the Service

  • Return the torches to their stands by going under the church, through the parish hall, and up the back steps.
  • Return to the Sacristy and take off your alb, returning it to the closet in the Sacristy.



You are responsible for the day that you have agreed to serve. If you find that you are unable to serve, then you will need to first contact the parish administrator. If at all possible, please arrange for someone else to take your place, and give that name to the parish administrator.

When You Arrive:

  • When you arrive at church, please report to the sacristy and let the other ministers of the service know that you are there. If there is a guest presiding minister or preacher, please introduce yourself to them, and help them orient themselves to the service.
  • Check with the presiding minister about the particulars of the service, noting any special ceremonies or rites.
  • Make yourself available to the sacristans for any help that they might need in preparing the altar.
  • At fifteen minutes prior to the Service, vest in an alb and cincture.
  • Light the following candles in the chancel:
    • During the Sundays of Easter, or at baptisms or funerals, please light the paschal candle before people are in the sanctuary.
    • a) At the altar, light the candle on the left first, the one on the right second.
    • b) At the lectern, light both candles.
    • c) During the Sundays of Easter, or at baptisms or funerals, please light the Paschal candle.


Other notes:

  • Whenever passing in front of the altar, show reverence by bowing your slightly. When carrying the processional cross, however, it is not necesary to bow.
  • If there is a meeting of the ministers of the service prior to the service, proceed to the Conference Room.



Confession and Forgiveness (when included)


Bring the cross into the sanctuary and stand behind the presiding minister and assisting minister, facing the congregation. After the rite, let the ministers by and stand inside the door of the sanctuary. Wait for the ministers to line up behind you.

Entrance Hymn


Hold the cross with one hand above the metal band, and the other hand below the metal band. The upper hand should be level with your upper chest.

Lead the procession into the church. Normally you will lead the procession. If there is a Thurifer, that person will lead the procession. When you arrive in the chancel, go to the top step, and turn to face the other members of the procession until they have taken their place at their seats. Then place the processional cross at its holder, and take your seat.

Apostolic Greeting Stand at your seat.

Kyrie Intercession Stand at your seat.

Hymn of Praise Stand at your seat.

Prayer of the Day Stand at your seat.


First Lesson Sit

Psalm Sit

Second Lesson Sit

Verse Immediately, at the conclusion of the Second Lesson, retrieve the processional cross, and go stand at the lowest step of the chancel, facing the people. When the assisting minister is ready to begin the Gospel Procession, s/he will indicate movement. Preceed the assisting minister to the midst of the congregation, turn to face the altar, and remain there for the reading of the Gospel.

Holy Gospel Following the reading of the Gospel, there will be a few moments of silence until the gong sounds. Then place the processional cross at its place in the midst of the people, the front of the cross facing to the back of sanctuary. Follow the assisting minister back to the chancel. Return to your seat.

Sermon Sit

Hymn of the Day Stand at your seat.

Creed Stand at your seat.

Intercessions Stand at your seat.

The Peace After the Presiding Minister announces the Peace, turn to greet others with a sign of peace. After you have greeted those around you, unless there has been a procession with torches, go to the Lectern and extinguish the candles there. The candle snuffer is in the lectern.



Meet the Presiding Minister and the Assisting Minister at the small table on the left (lectern) side of the chancel. There you and the other ministers will wash your hands.

Once you have finished, bring the individual glasses, and the water cruet to the free-standing altar.

Offertory Hymn
As the gifts of bread, wine, food basket, and money are brought forward, go to the front of the altar with the Assisting Minister and receive the gifts from the people. Take the offering plates and place them on the high altar. Return to the Oblation Bearers, and receive the food basket and place it in the corner of the chancel on the floor.

Return to your place at the right hand (pulpit) corner of the Altar. The Presiding Minister may ask you to retrieve things from the high altar. Be prepared to help.

Offertory Prayer Stand at the altar and participate in congregation responses.

The Great Thanksgiving Stand at the altar and participate in congregation responses.

The Prayer of Jesus Stand at the altar and participate in congregation responses.

The Agnus Dei
During the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God), the Presiding Minister will commune the assisting ministers.

The Communion
Once you have been communed, take the tray with the Individual Glasses and step back between the highaltar and the wall so that the Presiding Minister and the Assisting Minister can begin the Communion.

Walk behind the assisting minister, who will be bearing the chalice, and commune those persons desire to commune from the individual glasses. As you commune each person, you should say: “The blood of Christ.”When you have finished serving those at the communion rail, return to the north side and begin again. The communion is continuous.

After all have been communed, the presiding minister and assisting minister will leave the chancel to commune any disabled persons who might want to be communed there. It is not necessary for you to follow them. Simply remain in the chancel. You can replace the tray of individual glasses on the high altar and cover them. When the presiding minister and assisting minister return, the presiding minister will be communed by the assisting minister.

The Post Communion Canticle
During the Post Communion Canticle (if there is one) or immediately following the communion (if there is not one) you may help the presiding minister clear the altar.

The Prayer Stand at the Altar.

The Benediction Stand at the Altar.

The Recession 
After the benediction, all the ministers at the altar will return to their seats for the recessional hymn. Be certain to look at the hymn in advance. You will need to give yourself enough time to go and get the processional cross, gather the procession and leave the church before the hymn is completed. A good rule of thumb is to allow at least one and one half to two verses of the hymn in which to accomplish this.

The Dismissal Stand at the doors of the church, facing the Altar.

After the Liturgy:

    • Return the processional cross to its place by the pulpit by going under the church, through the parish hall, and up the back steps. Go out into the chancel and extinguish the altar candles. If the paschal candle or advent wreath is burning, allow it to do so until all the people have left the church.


    • Go out into the chacel and extinguish the altar candles. If the Paschal Candle or Advent Wreath is burning, allow it to do so until all the people have left the church.


  • Return to the sacristy and take off your alb, returning it to the closet. You may want to check the seats in the chancel and remove any hymnals, service folders, or other materials, etc. Ask the sacristan on duty if there is any further help you can provide.





Before the Sunday of Your Service:

    • Be aware of the service that is going to be used. You may want to take a copy home with you. The parish administrator can give you a copy. Read through the service and see where and when you will have parts. Practice aloud the language and music of your parts of the service. You should project your voice to the last pew.


    • Read through the lessons for the Sunday of your service, so that you can prepare relevant prayers. You may wish to contact the person who will serve as presiding minister, and the preacher to see what themes that they will be using. Prepare your prayers using the format noted in the service folder. If you need help, call one of the pastors or one of the other assisting ministers.


  • You are responsible for the day that you have agreed to serve. If you find that you are unable to serve, then you will need to first contact the parish administrator. If at all possible, arrange for someone else to take your place, and give that name to the parish administrator as well.


When You Arrive:

    • You should arrive at church thirty minutes in advance of the liturgy. Once there, report immediately to the Sacristy.


    • Make certain that any prayers or other materials you will need during the service are placed either at the lectern or at your seat. Please do not carry them with you in the procession.


    • Vest in an alb and deacon’s stole, and ask the Presiding Minister if you can help with any arrangements.The presiding minister will brief all the other ministers of the service prior to the service beginning. Make certain that the lectionary is marked for the proper Sunday.


  • After the Presiding Minister leads the Devotion, take the Lectionary binder and proceed wtih the other ministers to the narthex by way of the parish hall.



If the liturgy starts with a confession and forgiveness, go out with the and hold the book for the him/her to read.

Entrance Hymn
The procession enters the church in the following order.

Presiding Minister
Assisting Minister

Once the people begin singing the hymn, the crucifer will lead the procession into the church. You will be carrying the lectionary. When carrying the book, hold it in both hands, symbol facing forward, up over your head.

Do not carry any other service materials, since your liturgical task is to bear the book. You will probably not be able to sing the hymn, unless you know it from memory. At the chancel step stop briefly, but do not reverence (since you are carrying the scriptures) and place the scriptures on the lectern. Then go to your seat and remain standing.

Apostolic Greeting
Proceed to the lectern with the presiding minister and hold the book for the presiding minister.

Kyrie Intercession
Lead the Kyrie Intercession from the center of the lectern. You may wish to hold your hands in the prayer position.

Hymn of Praise
Stand with the presider as it is sung

Prayer of the Day
Hold the book for the presiding minister to lead the prayer of the day.


First Lesson Be seated.


Psalm Remain seated.

Second Lesson Remain seated.

Verse Stand for the Verse

Holy Gospel
Receive a blessing from the presiding minister.

Take the book from the lectern and follow the crucifer to the middle of the aisle, stopping just a few feet from the crucifer. Gather with all the other people around the book of the Gospels. Following the reading there will be a few moments of silence for meditation. As people return to their seats, walk to the chancel and stop briefly at the altar. Return the book to its place of honor at the foot of the statue of Jesus. Then be seated.

Sermon Remain seated.

Hymn of the Day
Stand for the Hymn of the Day. During the final verse, proceed to the lectern. If there is a creed after the hymn, follow the presiding minister and stand next to the lectern.

Creed (when included)
Stand to the side of the lectern while the Presiding Minister leads the Creed.

Stand at the center of the lectern and lead the people in the Intercessions. Once you have completed your bids, return to your seat, allowing the Presiding Minister to complete the Intercessions.

The Peace
Greet the other ministers and people. Once you have completed your greetings, return to the altar.


As the ushers begin to receive the offerings, go to the altar.

At the Lavabo Bowl, wash your hands and wipe them with the Lavabo Towel.

Make certain that a service folder is placed to the right of the chalice and is opened to the offertory hymn. Assist the presiding minister with his/her preparations. Stand to the right of the presiding minister.


Offertory Hymn
Proceed with the crucifer to the front of the altar and receive the gifts of the people. You will receive the bread and wine; the crucifer will receive the offering plates and food basket. After all the gifts have been received, return to your place at the altar.

Offertory Prayer Lead the Offertory Prayer from your place at the altar. You may wish to hold your hands in the prayer position.

The Great Thanksgiving
Remain standing at the altar. You can be helpful to the presiding minister by turning pages in the service folder.

The Prayer of Jesus
Remain standing at the Altar.

The Agnus Dei
During the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) receive the Eucharist along with the other ministers of the service.

Once all have received, you will be communing people with the chalice of wine. Take the chalice and begin communing people on the north side of the altar. Commune them with the words: “the Blood of Christ shed for you.
Stand at the side as the presiding minister says the blessing.

After all have been communed, make certain that any disabled people in the pews who wish to be communed there are communed. Return to the altar, and there commune the presiding minister. Once his/her devotions are completed, assist with the clearing of the altar.

The Post Communion Canticle
Remain standing at the altar.

The Prayer
Lead the people in the prayer from your place at the altar. Hold your hands in the prayer position.

The Benediction
Remain standing at the altar. After the Benediction is completed, return to your seat.

The Recession 
When the crucifer has left to retrieve the processional cross, retrieve the lectionary, and stand waiting to follow the processional cross in the recession.

The Dismissal
At the doors of the church, lead the people in the dismissal.

After the Liturgy
When those greetings are completed, return to the sacristy and take off your alb, returning it to the closet in the Sacristy. Return your stole to the stole drawer.

© 2008 Saint Francis Lutheran Church.



Before Your Sunday of Service

You will need to prepare your readings. Be certain that you have received them from the senior parish administrator and that they are for the proper Sunday or Holy Day. If you have a question, call the senior parish administrator or one of the pastors. Read through the readings aloud several times at home, perhaps in front of mirror. This practice is important so that you will feel comfortable and project adequately. Feel free to mark your text, or to make pronunciation marks.

When You Arrive:

    • You are responsible for the day that you have agreed to serve. If you find that you are unable to serve, then you will need to first contact the parish administrator. If at all possible, please arrange for someone else to take your place, and give that name to the parish administrator as well.


    • If you have a marked text, place it in the lectern prior to the service. Do not bring any notes or other papers up with you to the lectern. Normally you should read from the lectionary, only using marked texts when necessary.


  • Read naturally, but with projection. Speak to the person in the last pew. It is not necessary to look at the people when you read. It is necessary that everyone hear what it is that you are reading.

First Lesson
After the Prayer of the Day, approach the lectern and reverence the altar, if you wish. If you have marked texts, remove them from the lectern and place them on top of the lectionary.

When the reading is completed, and a psalm follows; leave the lectern and sit in the first pew until the psalm is finished. If there is no psalm, wait a few moments before beginning the second lesson.

Sit in the first pew.

Second Lesson
Read the Second Lesson. When you have finished, you may reverence the Altar, and return to your pew.




When you usher at St. Francis Church, you are the first person a visitor meets when coming in the door. Your greeting of friendship and spirit of helpfulness conveys that very important first impression. Members and friends of St. Francis Church also look forward to your welcome. Whatever you can do to make people feel welcome will support their receptivity to the service of worship. Think of your role as that of a host or hostess welcoming a guest into your home.

Time to Arrive Be here at least thirty minutes before the service begins. As you read through the duties that follow, I think that you’ll see the wisdom in arriving at that time.


Checklist Upon Arrival

  • Be certain that the piano is at the rear of the church, unless informed otherwise. If you are uncertain, check with the Presiding Minister.
  • The worship folders should be on the table in the narthex ready to distribute. If they are not there, check in the St. Clare Room and then the church office.
  • Make certain that the offering plates are available.
  • Check to see that the Gifts (the Bread and Wine) are on the table just inside the Nave. If not, check with the Sacristan.
  • The food basket should be placed on the aisle side of the table with the gifts so people can deposit their food offerings as they enter.
  • Make certain that sermons, prayer books, and other literature are available on the table in the Narthex.
  • Make certain that the elevator is unlocked and working, and that the light inside is on.
  • The following lights should be on and up full: a) the light above the Baptismal Font, b) the chancel lights, c) the lights at the Jesus statue, and d) the lights in the nave.
  • In the event of hot weather, open the windows on the south side, if needed.
  • In the event of cold weather, turn the thermostat up to 68° – 70°. Be certain that all floor vents are open.
  • Open the doors between the Nave and the Narthex.
  • Open the doors and gates to the street, and lock them in place.
  • Check with the Presiding Minister if there is anything special or unusual in the liturgy for the day. Make certain that you understand any changes.


Fifteen Minutes Before the Service

  • One usher stands in the lower vestibule, greeting people as they arrive, and directing them up to the sanctuary.
  • The other usher stands in the Narthex, greeting people and handing out the service folders. Visitors should be especially welcomed. Explain that the complete service is in the folder. Offer parking passes if needed. Ask visitors to please sign the guest book and/or fill out a pew card to place in the offering plate. Tell visitors that everyone at St. Francis is welcome to receive communion and to join us downstairs for refreshments after the service ends.
  • If any people are already seated, make certain that they already have a service folder.
  • Assist handicapped people from elevator and to their seats. If in wheelchair, ensure that they are placed where they do not block aisles.
  • Request one person each to bring up the bread, wine and food basket following the offertory before the service starts.


Once the Liturgy Begins

  • Once the procession has entered the church, leave the doors between the narthex and nave open until the sermon begins.
  • Continue to quietly greet arriving members and visitors, distributing worship folders, showing visitors where the service currently is in the service and pointing out available pews.
  • One usher should stay downstairs for 10-15 minutes after the service starts to direct latecomers to proceed upstairs. The other usher should stay in the Narthex until the sermon (with the doors between the Narthex and the Sanctuary open).
  • The balcony is closed to all but the Director of Music, members of the choir, and any other musicians.


At the sermon

  • Close both doors to the Narthex (but do not lock them). Both ushers may sit in the nave on either side of the doors. Once seated, however, keep an eye on the narthex; as people yet may be arriving and need to be quietly greeted and given worship folders.

At the Offertory

  • The offering is usually received following the conclusion of the peace. Begin by going up the central aisle and then walking to the rear of the church, passing the plates to those sitting on the central aisle. Repeat the process for the side aisles.
  • When the procession arrives at the altar, the ushers hand the offering plates to the crucifer, and then step aside, still facing the altar.
  • The oblation bearers (those with the bread and wine) then hand the flagon and paten to the assisting minister. They then step aside, still facing the altar.
  • The basket bearer then hands the basket of food to the crucifer. Then all return to the back of the church or to their seats.


At the Communion


  • During the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God), the ushers should go up the center aisle to stand facing each other in front of the first pew. People should be directed to come forward, forming a single file on the right and left sides of the central aisle.
  • After the ministers of the liturgy have completed their communion, direct the people to the altar rail, beginning on the right side. One usher stands on each side of the center aisle directing people to the chancel. The chancel can usually accommodate only 14 people per session. Ensure that people are not crowded around the chancel during communion and try to avoid lengthy gaps between tables.
  • Once people have been communed they will return to their seats. You should be prepared to direct those who have finished out of the chancel, and those coming to commune to their place at the altar.
  • Inform the assisting minister of any persons who requires communion at their pew.
  • Once all have proceeded to the altar, then the ushers approach the altar as well. When the choir is singing, the ushers and the crucifer carry the bread and tray of glasses with wine/juice to the back and upstairs to the choir loft. The crucifer distributed the bread. One of the ushers distributes the wine/juice and says “The blood of Christ shed for you.” Return to the chancel with the tray of wine/juice with the crucifer.

At the Recession

  • At the singing of the Hymn at the Recession, open the doors to the Narthex, so that the procession can leave the church.
  • One usher collects service folders at the small table although people are encouraged to take them home.


After All Have Left the Sanctuary

  • Turn off all lights in the nave and chancel. Be certain that all switches are all the way down and off. Extinguish any candles on the prayer screen in the back of the sanctuary.
  • Return all Service Folders and unused “St. Francis Times” to the church office.
  • Lock the elevator door, and turn off the interior light.
  • Turn off the stair lights, balcony lights, and narthex light.
  • Lock the door between the Narthex and Nave from the inside.



Flowers for Worship

Two matching bouquets of flowers decorate the altar every Sunday except during Lent.

Members and friends of St. Francis donate the flowers for several reasons:

To honor a friend, a parent or a significant life occasion, or to honor God by beautifying the altar. A number of people select a special date months in advance. If the flowers are a memorial or in honor of someone or an event, contact the church office so the information is in the Sunday bulletin.

The flowers can be given in several ways.

  • Order bouquets from a florist and pick them up or arrange to have them delivered and place them in the altar vases by 10:15 Sunday morning. They can also be delivered and placed on Friday, before 5 PM. The church is not normally open on Saturday.
  • Buy flowers from a florist, at Safeway across the street or at the flower market, arrange them and bring them to church to arrange in the vases. You can arrange them in the kitchen if it is available. On Sunday the kitchen can be used after hospitality hour, but the flowers should be in place by 10:15 because the sacristy will be needed for the pastors and other participants. In any case, bring tools if you need them and clean up afterwards.
  • Have St. Francis volunteers place flowers on your behalf. For more information go to the Altar Flower page.

The church has two different pairs of vases, one white ceramic and the other silver. Both sets are in the bottom left of the closet in the sacristy. If you have a question about colors of flowers, check with the Parish Administrator or a pastor about the color of the day, which determines the color of the altar cloth.

After the service, you may take the flowers or give them away and put the vases away or leave the flowers for use later, often for the senior center program on Wednesday.


Fellowship after the Eucharist

Hospitality is valued at St. Francis Lutheran Church, and a time for fellowship with coffee and a light snack  is an important manifestation of our hospitality. One or two people or a group may offer to host, providing greetings and food to all after the worship service.

The food need not be complicated. The point is hospitality, not a host competition. Some people like to prepare homemade foods; others buy food. The menu could be several kinds of cookies, cakes or pastry. Others offer fruit, vegetables, or cheese and crackers. Items should be finger food in small portions, not a lunch, but a snack with coffee.

Guests often take one of each item so if you offer 8 items, you will need 40 portions of each. If you offer 4 items, you will need fewer in total but allow for more than 1 per person. Usually we serve about 50 people.

The church provides coffee and tea and paper plates and napkins.

Plan to arrive at church before worship to arrange the food and other items. If you don’t know where plates, cups, etc., are located, Clifton or a church member can help you. The food can be left covered in the kitchen through worship service and put out afterwards.

During service, Clifton will make the coffee and set up the table for food. Leave service early enough to arrange food on the table and be prepared to host. The small basket is put on the table to collect donations. Usually the host greets people by the coffee urn and serves them coffee. You also need to keep an eye on the platters and replenish them as necessary.

After people have left, gather any coffee cups still on tables and clean up any leftover plates or food that have not been put in the waste can. The cups and any serving dishes or utensils should be washed and run through the sterilizer, dried and replaced in the cupboards. Tables should be wiped, the sink cleaned, and any other necessary clean up done.

Please, do not put leftover food in the refrigerator or leave it in the kitchen. Take it home or give it to someone.
